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Historicism is loyal to, though not sponsored by, the Seventh-day Adventist church.
As of 09/14/10 all papers from the original Historicism print publication have been posted.

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From 1985 to 1991 Historicism offered 98 papers and six supplements. For the first six years it placed special emphasis on Dan 11. In 1991 the theme topic switched from Daniel to the book of Hebrews. And of course there were papers on Revelation to go with those on Daniel.

Ninety-three of the ninety-eight papers, and five of the supplements, that appeared in Historicism were written by Frank Hardy, so for the most part "us" is me, if we could say it that way. All other writers who supplied papers for the journal had one or more terminal degrees, whether in law, or medicine, or biblical studies. The one exception to this generalization was a supplement (1989) which constitutes the entire text of its author's M.A. thesis.

Now retired, I was a computer programmer for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists from 1996 to 2012. As regards academic formation, I have a B.A. (Union College, 1969) in theology, with minors in music, history, and Greek; a Ph.D. in linguistics (University of New Mexico, 1979), where my research was on the grammatical category of aspect in Navajo (a Native language spoken in the Southwestern part of the United States);<1> and an M.A. in Old Testament (Andrews University, 1983) focusing on Daniel 11.<2>

<1> "Navajo Aspectual Verb Stem Variation" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of New Mexico, 1979). See Dissertation Abstracts International 40 [February 1981]:4572-A; JDK80-03087.

<2> "An Historicist Perspective on Daniel 11" (M.A. thesis, Andrews University, 1983). See Masters Abstracts 22 [March 1984]:83; MA1321021. (My thanks to the folks at http://investigacionadventista.org for making the entire text of my M.A. thesis available online as a scan under the above link.)