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Historicism is loyal to, though not sponsored by, the Seventh-day Adventist church.
As of 09/14/10 all papers from the original Historicism print publication have been posted.

By Topic: Books of the New Testament
Christ's Use of Rock Symbolism in Matt 16:13‑20 (No. 17/Jan 89)
The Tearing of the Temple Veil in Matt 27:51 (No. 26/Apr 91, Appendix) (Paper)
Two Brief Notes (No. 12/Oct 87)
1.     General
Why Is the Book of Hebrews a Problem? (No. 25/Jan 91)
2.      Heb 1-2
The Christology of Heb 1‑2 (No. 25/Jan 91)
4.      Heb 8-9
Covenants and Sanctuaries in Heb 8‑9 (No. 27/Jul 91)
-     Appendix 1: Sanctuary Terminology in Heb 8‑9
-     Appendix 2: Indentation and Headings in Published Versions of Heb 8‑9
-     Appendix 3: Christ Intercedes for Us. What Does This Mean?
A Cross‑Linguistic Survey of ta hagia in Heb 9 (Supplement/Oct 91)
5.      Heb 13
Allusions to the Sanctuary in Heb 13 (No. 28/Oct 91)
What Can 1 and 2 Chronicles Tell Us About ta hagia in Heb 13:11? (No. 28/Oct 91)
-     Appendix: Sanctuary Terms From 1 and 2 Chronicles
1.      Rev 2-3
Structural Characteristics of the Letters to the Seven Churches in Rev 2‑3 (No. 4/Oct 85)
-    Appendix 1: Introductions to the Seven Letters
-    Appendix 2: Conclusions to the Seven Letters
-    Appendix 3: Bodies of the Seven Letters
2.      Rev 4-5
Do Rev 4‑5 and 19:1‑10 Refer to the Judgment? (No. 6/Apr 86)
3.      Other
A Brief Note on Rev 12:1 and 17:3‑6 (No. 9/Jan 87)
The Four‑Part World Empire Motif in Daniel and the Corresponding Seven‑Part Motif in Revelation (No. 9/Jan 87)